global market lifeblood is trade and it certainly includes the related concepts
data India, import data India
and balance of payments. Exporting and importing is a way of growing the
national economies. There is no doubt
that each country is endowed with advantages in skills and resources. The imports and exports are the key factors
contributing to the balance of any country’s economy. As such there will be
informal and formal trade barriers, yet having the import export data makes or breaks a country. Having the export
data more than the import data strengthens a country economically and
financially. Hence the data is given much importance.
export data India in the April 2015
showed a value of Rs. 138400.44 crore and this was actually lower by 13.96 % in
terms of dollar in comparison to April 2014 Rs, 154718060 crore. At the same time the import data India in the same period was valued Rs. 207380.63 crore
and this was lower in comparison to the imports of 2014 that was of value
Rs.215593.93. The deficit of the import
export data was estimated and was found to be higher this year than during
April 2014. Imports are very important for individual consumers and businesses.
Imported products are way of denoting increased standard of living.
harmonized code represents an
international standardized system of numbers and names used to classify traded
products. This is also known as HS, the harmonized system of tariff
classification or categorization. The imports have decreased in April 2015 from
March 2015 to 33050 USD million from 35740 USD million. In fact, the all time
high of import was observed in May 2011 with 45281.90 USD and the lowest record
was in 1958 August with 117.40 USD million. The data of imports and exports is calculated and given by the Ministry of
commerce and industry.
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