Thursday, 21 May 2015

Why does the responsive Wordpress themes are trending?

Websites made of responsive web design technology are among the hottest trends. This is created for the generation that uses multiple devices to use the websites such as laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones or usual cell phones. No wonder this technology is enjoyed by users the best. According to many tech-savvies who spend most of their times in their mobile or laptop, have acknowledged the versatility of the best WordPress themes too.
Understanding the growing trend and increased rate of mobile users, WordPress has taken the initiative in creating some of the most amazing themes based on the RWD technology. Some of those are available for free. Users of WP are extremely happy to get such amazing offer.
The Post Mobilegeddon era and the best WordPress themes
On April 21st 2015, Google has announced a new Algorithm that is named to be Mobilegeddon by many critics. This was predicted to be no less than an apocalypse by the webmasters. The main purpose of Google is to boost up the mobile search results at its best. They are now concentrating more on user experience more than just only search engine optimization. According to a representative from Google, it was known in a 2014 conference in Munich that to fight this odd, (related to the search results) websites should be mobile-friendly. And nothing can make your website eloquent more than RWD.
Do you own a website?
Have you installed any of the new responsive themes of WordPress? If you haven’t, you should. There are amazing free themes available in WordPress besides the best WordPress plugins. Choose according to your website and the purpose it serves. Such as if you have an eCommerce website, you should pick one from the category of eCommerce. If you run an online magazine on WordPress, you need to know about the latest best WordPress themes they are showcasing in this category. Explore the CMS and know more about the latest upgrades that has been made by WP at its best only to offer you the most amazing user experience than before.
Go responsive and let your users enjoy spending more time in your websites. This is definitely a hot trend that is so helpful!

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